You have to know how to treat excessive vaginal discharge

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
In the last issue, we talked about the causes of excessive leucorrhea and what harm it will cause. Today, let’s continue to discuss how to treat excessive leucorrhea. 1. General treatment    (1). Under the premise of a clear diagnosis, the most important thing in the treatment of pathological leucorrhea is the treatment of primary diseases or special pathogens.   (2) If it is a pathological leucorrhea caused by a foreign body, remove the foreign body in time, and use antibacterial drugs when necessary to prevent and treat secondary bacterial infections.   (3) If the microscopic examination confirms the presence of trichomoniasis, drug therapy is a relatively common treatment, such as metronidazole and tinidazole.   (4) For the sinus tracts in the vagina and urethra or rectum, surgical resection is the best radical cure. At the same time, certain antibacterial drugs should be used to avoid secondary bacterial infections. 2. The correct medication    must be administered under the guidance of a doctor, if the medication is not symptomatic, it may aggravate the condition. 3. Seek medical attention in time    No matter what kind of leucorrhea increase or other discomfort, you should go to the hospital for treatment immediately. 4. Wear tight pants less    Wear tight pants (such as jeans), especially don't wear tight nylon underwear, it is best to choose cotton underwear. 5. Psychological adjustment    This is a very important method of psychotherapy for excessive leucorrhea. Always find something to make oneself happy, maintain a calm mental state, and avoid being overly excited, irritated and impatient. 6. Strengthen immunity. Exercise regularly to enhance physical fitness; ensure adequate sleep; eat more foods rich in vitamins; learn to regulate your emotions. When you are in a good mood, your immunity will increase. 7. Use sanitary pads sparingly. Some female friends are worried about vaginal discharge to stain their underwear or are too lazy to wash their underwear. They always use sanitary pads on weekdays. This approach is not advisable, it is easy to breed a large number of bacteria. Therefore, try not to use sanitary pads if you are not during menstruation. Wash the vulva with clean water every night and change the underwear. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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