Women who sit for a long time will become ugly if they are careful

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
Office lady is a job that many people envy. Sitting in the office every day, blowing on the air conditioner and banging on the computer, seemingly comfortable work can never escape the devil's hands of 'occupational diseases'. Many female white-collar workers will find that after one or two years of work, they not only have a small belly, but their skin has also become worse and worse. Yes, long-term sedentary women will bring about the following 4 major undesirable consequences! 1. Long wrinkles If sitting for 3 hours for a long time, blood circulation will become blocked, resulting in skin deterioration and increased wrinkles. Studies abroad have shown that reducing the time spent sitting for women can improve skin problems, at least 10 years younger. The editor suggests that everyone can do exercises, or running or yoga every day, to reverse the effect of skin aging. 2. Difficulty in giving birth Because of long-term sitting and lack of exercise, it is easy to cause obstruction of blood circulation. The lower abdominal cavity, including the pelvic cavity, has poor blood circulation, causing abdominal pain before or during menstruation. Long-term stagnation of qi and blood stasis will cause lymphatic or hematological embolism, block the fallopian tube, and cause difficult fertility. 3. Easy to grow spots. Sedentary sitting for a long time leads to stasis of blood circulation, which results in blood stagnation on the surface of the skin to form stains. The editor recommends that everyone apply moisturizer before using the computer. 4. Large pores There is a lot of static electricity on the computer screen that can absorb a lot of dust, and it happens that this kind of dust particles will block the facial pores, making the skin not breathing smoothly, and the pores will become larger over time. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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