Will your face be swollen in cold weather? Improper skin care aging doubles! (under)

by:V-Care     2021-03-23
Continuing from the previous issue, the editor continues to share with you the skin problems and solutions after the season. 1. The temperature is volatile: hormonal balance is broken. Although cold is very serious to the body, the most terrible drop is the large temperature difference between day and night. Especially during the day and evening, when the temperature drops all at once, the skin is easily damaged, which affects the autonomic nervous system. If accidentally, the hormonal balance is broken, and various skin problems such as dryness and allergies follow one after another. Hormonal imbalances in addition to skin deterioration, aunt will also become menopausal! Sister paper is cute, so take a bath at night to relax and let the parasympathetic nerves return to normal. In addition, be sure to eat more protein-rich foods, such as eggs, cheese, lean meat, etc., to prevent damage to the skin caused by the outside world. 2. Sudden drop in temperature and lower humidity: dry skin. Smart sister paper may know that humidity does not cause dry skin. The phenomenon of sweat swelling cells or UV damage is the real cause of dry skin. As we mentioned in the last two issues, frequent cleansing can make the skin lose moisture, and the lack of skin care in winter can also cause dry skin. How to moisturize the skin before it is damaged? In such seasons, dryness is a very serious problem. In consideration of prevention, be sure to apply lotion or cream to provide moisturizing substances to the skin. Girls can also use moisturizing lotion, which will penetrate deep into the skin more easily. If you have time, you can use it to make water. The membrane provides moisture to the skin, and the fruit water is hydrated! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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