Why not wait for the diaper to be full, then change the diaper

by:V-Care     2021-03-04
Change the baby's diapers, that's when mom is sleeping! No matter how hot or cold the weather is, no matter how sleepy you are, your baby will pee at night, and you have to get up and change diapers.     However, the birth of diapers not only liberated part of the mother’s sleep time, but also saved a lot of the trouble of washing diapers. It is a powerful helper for mothers to raise their children and one of the greatest inventions of mankind in the past century. Although diapers have better urination and water lock functions, they have a plastic film insulation layer, which reduces the permeability of the diapers. If the diapers are not replaced for a long time, bacteria will breed. In addition, the fecal stimulation may cause the baby to have red farts and diapers. Skin rash, severe or even urinary tract infection, etc.     will not change for a long time will cause baby red farts, eczema, etc.; changing diapers is not only a waste of time, but also easy to make the baby cold, so how often is the appropriate time to change diapers? Generally speaking, because of the imperfect development of the bladder, newborns hardly urinate, so babies urinate more frequently every day. Therefore, mothers need to change baby diapers more frequently, about 2 hours. As the baby grows older, the bladder develops. Yu Perfect, basically change every 3-4 hours, the older one can change the diapers immediately if the baby has stool in 4-6 hours, regardless of age.     After the baby has a bowel movement, pay attention to clean the baby with clean water, wash the small PP, so as not to wipe the excrement to stimulate the baby PP.    Some mothers don’t know how long they are, but mothers can notice these points and signals:      After feeding: After each feeding 15 minutes, the baby's urine may be discharged.     Before going to bed: Before going to bed, check whether the baby's diapers are dry.     Wake up: After the baby wakes up, he usually urinates before going out: Check before taking the child out.     Observe the baby’s facial expressions: By observing the baby’s facial expressions, analyze whether the baby wants to defecate and whether it needs to change diapers. When the baby is playing, suddenly quiet down, or at a loss, uh-huh, usually starts to defecate. Next post: Some problems encountered by babies wearing diapersPrevious post: How often do babies change their diapers? Keywords of this article: diapers
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