Why must we take breakfast seriously (part 2)

by:V-Care     2021-03-27
In the last issue, I realized that breakfast must be taken seriously, but in fact, breakfast is more important than you think. I will continue to talk about it for you now. Skipping breakfast may increase the risk of intestinal diseases. Under normal circumstances, the food you ate the night before is emptied from the stomach into the intestine after about six hours. If you do not eat breakfast the next day, stomach acid and various digestive enzymes in the stomach will lose the 'digested' gastric mucosal layer. If things go on like this, the normal function of cells to secrete mucus will be destroyed, and it is easy for digestive diseases such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Eating breakfast is good for heart health A new study in Australia found that skipping breakfast regularly increases the risk of potentially fatal heart disease. Researchers from the University of Tasmania in Australia have conducted a follow-up survey of 2184 volunteers for more than 20 years and found that frequent skipping of breakfast is more likely to lead to obesity, abdominal fat accumulation and high cholesterol, which are risk factors for heart disease. In addition, skipping breakfast can easily lead to higher levels of insulin in the blood, which will inevitably lead to diabetes over time. The results of the study show that between the ages of 20 and 30, those who often skip breakfast as a child and those who skip breakfast in adulthood have begun to plant the 'seeds' of heart disease. Scientists analyzed that there are at least three reasons for this situation: First, these people are more likely to eat polysaccharide snacks, lack of exercise, and dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals in the diet are less intake. Second, skipping breakfast will cause changes in the way the body stores fat. Third, people who skip breakfast are even less likely to eat on time. It can be said that skipping breakfast is a 'sign' of an unhealthy or chaotic lifestyle. Eating breakfast helps relieve emotional depression. A joint study by the University of California, Davis and Harvard University School of Medicine showed that changes in dietary nutrients can improve symptoms of depression.
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