Why is my aunt not coming on time?

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
Irregular menstruation is a common gynecological disease in women, which is manifested as excessive or insufficient menstrual flow, irregular menstrual cramps, etc. Irregular work and rest, excessive eating and other bad lifestyle habits can lead to changes in the endocrine environment, which can easily lead to irregular menstruation in women. In addition, some gynecological diseases, uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, etc. are all causes of irregular menstruation in women. 1. Irregular work and rest. Due to the influence of life or work, often staying up late, or the work and rest time is reversed, this bad work and rest habit can easily lead to endocrine disorders and cause irregular menstruation. 2. Excessive weight loss. Uncontrollable weight loss or excessive exercise will cause the body to not take in enough protein and fat, which will affect the normal synthesis of estrogen in the body, resulting in low menstrual flow or amenorrhea. 3. Emotional factors. If you are in depression, anxiety or great mental stress for a long time, the function of the hypothalamus will be impaired, and the ovaries will not be able to secrete hormones and ovulation, which will easily lead to irregular menstruation. 4. Abortion surgery. Repeated abortion operations can result in thin endometrium, difficult to repair uterine damage, and even irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, and infertility. 5. Uterine fibroids. Women with uterine fibroids usually have irregular menstruation, which is mainly manifested as heavy menstrual flow and long menstrual periods. The severity of symptoms depends on the pathology of uterine fibroids. 6. Thyroid problems. If the thyroid function is hyperactive or hypothyroid, it will also affect the ovarian function and make menstruation irregular. 7. The impact of birth control ring. The contraceptive ring is a foreign body outside the body, which can stimulate the endometrium of women, leading to irregular menstruation and amenorrhea. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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