When you are in a bad mood, these foods can bring you a good mood!

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
Feeling suddenly lost? This may be because the body lacks the intake of folic acid and vitamin B complex for a long time. Some foods are rich in Omega3 fatty acids, which can promote the secretion of serotonin, which is extremely beneficial to the brain. A daily intake of 1g of Omega3 can reduce more than 50% of anxiety and depression symptoms. So, which foods contain Omega3 fatty acids? Can it really bring a good mood? 1. Potatoes Potatoes are rich in vitamin B1, which can restore normal brain functions and relieve stress and anxiety. At the same time, potatoes can promote the production of hormones in the kidney cortex and relieve stress. 2. Mung bean Mung bean contains tryptophan that produces serotonin and rich vitamins B1, B6, and so on. It is helpful for brain metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis. It is very suitable for eating when the mood is low. 3. The lack of vitamin C in grapefruit will make the mood fall into low ebb, and grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, regular consumption can prevent depression and resist fatigue. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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