When is the most appropriate time to stop using baby diapers?

by:V-Care     2021-03-07
How old is the baby to stop using diapers? There is no uniform statement at all at home and abroad. However, according to the findings of our research, usually babies before one and a half years old, because the brain's functional development is not perfect, so the inhibition of the basic urination center is still relatively weak, and the two systems of the urethral sphincter and anal sphincter are also weak. It is not mature, so there is a limit to the ability to control excretion. Therefore, it is recommended that parents wait until the baby is about 3 years old, and the brain's nervous system gradually matures before starting to stop using diapers. So, when is the most appropriate time to stop using diapers? Next, let's take a look at the wholesale baby diapers! 1. When to stop using diapers: When the baby is 1 and a half to 3 years old: the muscles and nerves at this stage have begun to develop to a certain extent, and they can gradually control the urine, and can also understand the words of our adults, but at night When you need to use diapers, and then gradually remove the night diapers as your child's ability to control urine continues to increase. It is best in summer when we stop using diapers. Because if you stop using it in winter, if your baby lays wet after wetting the bed, it will be easy to catch a cold. 2. The standard for disabling diapers: Every baby has a different standard for disabling diapers, which is related to our baby's physical development and parents' early education. In short, when the baby is mature enough, it is a good time for us to stop using diapers. Finally, it is best not to train when the baby is sick or uncomfortable, and not to train when there is a'major change' in the baby. 3. Toilet training methods: a. First, let the baby know about the potty. This I can allow the baby to observe with the eyes, touch and familiarize the potty with my hands, and then encourage the baby to sit down on the potty every day. From the beginning, we don’t need to take off the pants and can also put the feces on the diaper. Go into the potty and show it to your baby, so that your child will gradually understand the concept and purpose of the potty. b. The next step is to remind and strengthen the baby. When our baby expresses his intention to defecate, parents should take him to the potty to defecate immediately. There is also good defecation behavior for the baby, parents need to give timely encouragement. At the same time, the baby needs to be reminded frequently and strengthened repeatedly. c. Use methods such as letting the baby empty before going to bed, stop using diapers at night, and wake up the baby during sleep to help him establish the habit of controlling bowel movements at night. d. Finally, you need to pay attention to the baby’s details, such as: Can the baby suddenly stop to urinate while playing? If possible, it means that he can perceive his physical needs; and whether the baby is right? Like to imitate the actions of our adults, if so, we can let the baby imitate by ourselves, so that he can learn or be willing to defecate by himself. The above information is related information released by Maternal and Baby Products Co., Ltd. If you want to know more about wholesale diapers, wholesale baby diapers, diaper franchising agents, diaper agents, please log in to our official website to see more. Next post: How many times do newborn diapers need to be changed at night? Previous post: Talk about what aspects should be paid attention to when buying baby diapers! Keywords in this article: Quanzhou wholesale diapers, Quanzhou wholesale baby diapers
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