What to do with a cold during pregnancy

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
The long pregnancy period of 10 months, October to March is the season of high incidence of colds. Even if mothers are very cautious, they will inevitably get sick. Due to the decreased immunity during pregnancy, colds are more prone to catching colds. Many expectant mothers say This is very stressful. The editor tells you, what should you do if you face a cold during pregnancy? After the first trimester, the fever caused by the flu will not cause direct harm to your baby, but the expectant mother will have a longer course of illness and more serious symptoms because of the flu’s inability to take medicine. Although you can't use medicine indiscriminately, there are some ways to help you feel better and let the cold end as soon as possible. Nasal congestion: colds are transmitted by the respiratory tract, so the nasal cavity is the first place to fall. After the nasal mucosa is eroded by the cold virus, symptoms such as edema, nasal congestion, and runny nose will occur. Try to clean the nasal cavity with light salt water or water. Using a humidifier or boiling a pot of water to make the room moist can help you reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion or dryness, but this can only make you breathe longer and more smoothly, but it just treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. Stay hydrated: Even if you are not thirsty, drink as much water as possible. A hydrated body is more likely to resist virus erosion. Rest: You don't need to sleep, even lying down with your eyes closed will restore your body. If you can sleep, get as much sleep as possible. Draw the curtains to keep the room in a darker room suitable for sleep, because the body's immune system repairs itself during sleep. Maybe you wake up and find that your cold symptoms are much better. Sore throat: If you feel a sore throat, you can drink some tea or honey. Pears are also very moisturizing fruits. If you can boil a pot of hot pear water and drink it, it will not only replenish moisture but also moisturize your throat, it will help you recover. Drugs: It is not that you should not take any drugs during pregnancy, but you must take them after the doctor's examination. Some drugs have a very large effect on pregnancy, while others have not been proven to have an effect. For example, some drugs such as acetaminophen can be taken, but ibuprofen or aspirin are contraindicated during pregnancy.
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