What shall we do if my aunt is not on time? (under)

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
How to treat irregular menstruation? Regulate menstruation, in addition to medication, it is also necessary to have a healthy lifestyle, eat less frozen food, maintain adequate nutrition, avoid excessive dieting, and learn to regulate and release one's own stress and ensure adequate rest time. 1. Keep your spirits happy and avoid mental stimulation and mood swings. It is normal for individual women to have lower abdominal distension, backache, breast tenderness, mild diarrhea, easy fatigue, lethargy, emotional instability, irritability or easy depression during menstrual period, and they should not be overly nervous. 2. Pay attention to hygiene and prevent infection. Pay attention to the hygiene of the external genitalia. Pay attention to keep warm and avoid cold stimulation. Avoid overwork. Those with heavy menstrual blood should not eat brown sugar. 3. Prevent excessive dieting, quit smoking and limit alcohol, pay attention to your own diet, eat more lean meats, cereals, dark green leafy vegetables and calcium-rich foods. It is not advisable to eat cold, keep your mood comfortable, strengthen exercise, and improve your physical fitness. 4. Pay attention to the underwear to be soft, cotton, good ventilation, wash and change frequently, and put the underwear in the sun to dry. 5. It is not advisable to eat raw, cold, hot, sour and other irritating foods. Drink more boiled water to keep stool smooth. Those with blood heat should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables before menstruation, and avoid eating scallions, garlic, leeks, and other things that stimulate fire transport. People with qi and blood deficiency must usually increase their nutrition, such as milk, eggs, soy milk, pork liver, spinach, pork, chicken, mutton, etc., and avoid eating raw and cold melons and fruits. 6, long-term irregular menstruation should pay attention to dietary regulation, such as drinking black fungus and red dates tea, strong tea brown sugar drink, hawthorn brown sugar drink and so on. If the symptoms still do not improve, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time to clarify the cause of the disease, so as to follow the doctor's advice and targeted treatment as soon as possible. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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