What shall we do if my aunt is not on time? (on)

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
What is the treatment of irregular menstruation? Menstrual diet should be light, easy to digest, and nutritious. For women with irregular menstruation, some medicinal diets for menstruation can be consumed during menstruation, such as motherwort juice porridge, liver clearing soup for menstruation, cold malantou, tempeh mutton soup and so on. 1. Motherwort juice porridge Prepare 10 grams of fresh motherwort juice, 40 grams of fresh rehmannia juice, fresh lotus root juice, ginger juice, honey, and 100 grams of rice. Cook the rice porridge. When the rice is cooked, add the above-mentioned concoctions and honey to cook the porridge and serve. Main effects: nourishing yin and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and eliminating blood stasis, quenching thirst and irritability, suitable for women with irregular menstruation, functional uterine bleeding, postpartum haemorrhage, unclean lochia, blood stasis and abdominal pain. It is suitable to use a casserole instead of an iron pot. People with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should not be used. Do not add green onions and leeks when eating this medicated diet. 2. Qinggan Tiaojing Decoction Prepare 12 grams of Gooteng, 10 grams of fried danpi, 9 grams of fried mountain Zhi, 12 grams of red and white peony, 10 grams of burnt hawthorn, 10 grams of Wulingzhi, 6 grams of fried yellowtail (including fried ), 12 grams of fried Sichuan Dipsacus, 10 grams of Poria, 5 grams of fried Bupleurum, 15 grams of Motherwort. Main effects: It has the functions of clearing the liver and relieving depression, resolving stasis and regulating menstruation, and treats symptoms such as early menstruation, excessive menstruation, premenstrual breast tenderness, and more blood clots during menstruation. This prescription must be taken during menstruation to be more effective. 3, tempeh and mutton soup Prepare 500 grams of tempeh, 100 grams of mutton, 15 grams of ginger, and appropriate amount of salt. Place the first three flavors in a casserole and cook until cooked and seasoned with salt. Start taking 1 week before each menstruation, and continue taking 1 week. Main effects: This recipe warms the meridians and dispels cold, nourishes blood and regulates menstruation. It is suitable for irregular menstruation, blood-cold type, late menstruation, low volume, dark color, cold pain in the lower abdomen, and white tongue coating. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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