What exactly are pull-up pants?

by:V-Care     2021-03-08
What exactly are pull-up pants? Is it different from ordinary diapers? Pull-up pants are a kind of diapers between diapers and trousers. They are used for older babies who are aware of excretion and can take off their trousers by themselves. The style of pull-up pants is the same as that of underwear, which can be worn and taken off, but the material is the same as the structure of diapers, and the elasticity is good. Similar to underwear-style diapers, it is designed to be used as a transition between diapers and general underwear: using the same material and structure as diapers, but it can be put on and taken off directly, and it is more close-fitting and elastic than diapers, especially suitable for learning to walk. Babies who have undergone toilet training at the right time. There are two types of pull-up pants, one is that the waist is made of a combination of elastic and non-woven online spray glue into a panty-like shape. The other is that there are openable Velcro on both sides of the waist, and there are two on both sides, which are stuck upright, but they are already stuck when they are taken out. Just put it on like underwear, if you want to loosen or tighten it, you can tear off the Velcro and fine-tune it down. Previous: The characteristics and classification of pull-up pants Next: How to change the baby's diapers?
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