What are the problems when baby's diapers are worn for too long?

by:V-Care     2021-10-26

Don't wear baby diapers for too long. This is a topic that many mothers often talk about, but there are always careless mothers and grandmothers who can't see the seriousness of the problem. So, what are the problems when the baby wears diapers for too long?

1. Diaper rash

If the baby's diapers are not changed in time, the residual urine will cause the baby's buttocks to be tortured and unable to keep dry, which will cause diaper rash. It is recommended that moms choose a thin and thick style according to the characteristics of the season and climate. At the same time, they also need to pay attention to the size of the diapers and do not wrap them too tightly.

2. Ass skin damage

The reasonable use of baby diapers will basically not damage the skin of the baby's buttocks, because nowadays, good quality baby diapers are relatively soft and breathable. But if the baby's diapers are worn for too long, the temperature of the baby's buttocks will continue to rise, thereby taking away the body's moisture, and the baby's skin is very delicate, especially repeated friction will easily cause the skin to wrinkle.

3. O-shaped legs appear

There are many reasons for the O-shaped leg, mainly because the baby's body lacks calcium, which has nothing to do with the use of diapers. However, if the baby’s diapers are not changed in time, the longer the time, more urine will flow to the left and right sides of the diaper, and the baby’s legs will expand outward. After a long time, the baby’s inner thighs will be oriented. Open consciousness not only affects walking but also is not conducive to the development of bones.

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