What about female Gong Han? Do more exercise and less greedy for cold!

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
In Chinese medicine clinics, women are often diagnosed as 'gong cold'. 'Cold palace' means 'cold uterusThe manifestations of 'cold palace' are diverse, including delayed menstrual cycle, low menstrual flow, dark color, blood clots, or even menstrual cessation; cold pain in the lower abdomen before or during menstruation, and relief after hot compress; leucorrhea is clear and thin. Severe uterine cold can cause infertility, delayed fetal growth after pregnancy, endometriosis, ovarian chocolate cysts and so on. There are many reasons for Gong Han. Some people are born with colder physiques. For example, when their parents are older when they give birth, their bodies are insufficiently yang, and their children often have a 'cold physique.' Acquired factors include a cold living environment, a preference for cold food, overwork or irritability leading to yang damage, etc. To treat cold uterus, it is natural to warm the uterus. The following methods can be used to regulate: Exercise more. Chinese medicine believes that 'movement produces yang'. People with cold constitution need to exercise more to increase yang, especially aerobic exercise to clear the channels. , Regulate qi and blood, improve blood circulation, and warm the whole body. Pay attention to keep warm during and after exercise, especially after sweating, the pores are open, cold pathogens are easy to take advantage of the deficiency, if the uterus is troubled by cold pathogens, blood qi will condense when cold, and symptoms of uterine cold will appear. Press Yongquan Frequently massage the Yongquan acupoint, which is of great benefit to protect Yang Qi and prevent palace cold. In addition, every 3 to 5 days, scraping the lumbosacral area, abdomen and lower abdomen with a scraping board until redness and fever is also a good way to treat uterine cold. Eat less cold. Women must not eat too much cold drinks, fruits and other cold things. Foods taken out of the refrigerator are best left for a period of time before eating. Before eating cold food, you should eat some hot things first. Ginger is warm in nature and can dispel cold from the middle, so you can eat it appropriately. In addition, you can eat more black sesame seeds, walnuts, dates, peanuts and other foods that benefit the vitality and warm palace. Keep warm. Always pay attention to keeping warm. Try to wear a longer coat to protect your waist and abdomen. When going out, do not sit on the ground or on a stone bench to protect yourself from the cold.
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