Weight loss but not thin, obesity is really annoying! (on)

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
Being thin is capital, and being thin is good-looking in clothes! Many young girls are pursuing a healthy posture, racking their brains to lose weight. The most sad thing is that the weight has really dropped, but the body shape is still very 'strong'! Why is this? Today, the editor tells you. 1. Can I lose weight if I go on a diet? wrong! Studies have shown that excessive dieting will put the body into trouble, reduce the body's calorie consumption, and cause the metabolic function to slow down. Therefore, excessive dieting makes people feel bad. At the same time, the body breaks down muscles as nutrients, and when muscles are lost, water is also greatly reduced. Once the appetite is restored, the body's absorption capacity will quickly increase, the muscles are gone, but the fat can't be shaken off, and the weight will rebound quickly. Therefore, the editor reminds everyone that choosing desperately to diet to lose weight can not cure the symptoms but not the root cause. I do not want to suffer a serious weight rebound in the future. I suggest staying away from desperate dieting. 2. Don't think that taking diet pills will really help you lose weight. In fact, most of the weight loss drugs on the market are laxatives, and many of them have not been certified by an authority. Most people have a few kilograms of feces remaining in their intestines. After taking weight-loss drugs, they will lose weight immediately when they go to the toilet in a hurry, but the body surface fat has not been lost! The editor reminds that fat is on the skin and cannot be easily discharged through the toilet several times. 3. If a certain part of the body is exercised in a targeted manner, which part will become thinner? Many people think that they can exercise wherever there is fat, so the girl who loses belly does sit-ups every day. The editor tells everyone that this is also wrong. The accumulation of fat is of the whole body. Women's buttocks, lower abdomen and waist accumulate skin quickly, and then the limbs. Because weight loss must be systemic.
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