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Three misunderstandings of sanitary napkin use to avoid

by:V-Care     2021-03-24
Sanitary napkins are women's intimate personal objects, which are closely related to women's health. If sanitary napkins are used improperly, they will cause 'disaster'. Many women have suffered from gynecological diseases, and there are many reasons for the symptoms of gynecological diseases, but there are also many gynecological inflammations caused by improper use of sanitary napkins during menstruation. Statistics show that 3% to 5% of patients in gynecological outpatient clinics are caused by improper use of sanitary napkins. Proper use of sanitary napkins can keep female friends away from gynecological diseases. 1. Do not wash your hands before using sanitary napkins. The process of unpacking, opening, smoothing, and pasting sanitary napkins by hand will bring many germs to the sanitary napkins. Sanitary napkins are in direct contact with female vulva skin, and menstruation is a period when women’s resistance is low. A little carelessness can easily cause infection or cause gynecological diseases. 2. Blindly pursuing high-absorption sanitary napkins Girls will also choose sanitary napkins with strong absorption and good protection function when they buy. They think that the same sanitary napkin can be used for a long time, which saves a lot of trouble. In fact, this idea is wrong, because menstrual blood is rich in nutrients, which can easily become a 'cultivation base' for bacteria to thrive. Therefore, sanitary napkins must be changed diligently. 3. Long-term storage in the bathroom. Generally, sanitary napkins are made of non-woven fabric and are made of fibrous materials. After being damp, the material deteriorates and bacteria are easy to invade and multiply. However, most bathrooms do not see sunlight all day long and are humid, which can easily multiply mold and contaminate sanitary napkins. The unpacked sanitary napkins should be placed in a dry and clean environment, and should not be used after being damp. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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