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These 9 types of people have the worst immunity! See if you are in it (below)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Friends who recruited in the last period, are there any changes to improve immunity? For those friends who didn't get recruited in the last issue, you should also pay attention to the five categories summarized by the editor below. You may be unlucky that you are among them. 1. Stressing to live life. I believe that everyone has their own worries and pressures. People often say that they want to release their pressure, but most people do not really take action. The editor suggests that you can do sports when you have time, such as riding a bicycle and playing badminton. At the same time, massage is also a good way to relax the body. 2. When going out, 25% of car owners will lose the habit of walking, but these people are more sick than those who like to walk. Walking slowly for about half an hour every day will increase immune cells and increase resistance. 3. Often exposed to second-hand smoke in the United States, 3,000 non-smokers die from lung cancer and 300,000 children with respiratory infections every year. Everyone knows the health hazards of second-hand smoke, so it is important to stay away from second-hand smoke and control alcohol in moderation. 4. Over-reliance on antibiotics Research has shown that people who take antibiotics as soon as they have cold symptoms will only make the virus resistant to drugs, leading to more serious infections. If you encounter influenza caused by a virus, please do not take antibiotics casually. 5. It is not easy to make a laugh. People who are always leaning on their faces may wish to make themselves happy, because size can reduce the secretion of 'stress hormones' and increase the number of immune cells. The editor suggests that you can watch funny videos, share jokes or cartoons, etc. to make yourself happy and stimulate the immune system. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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