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The secret to eating takeaways without growing meat, fat friends get well (part 2)

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
Busy work seems to make take-out box fast food the main part of daily catering. There is only one way to not get fat when you eat! 1. Reject high-calorie sauces for sushi. When it comes to sushi, fresh, light, and appetizing, it can be said to be one of the healthiest takeaway foods. However, no one knows that some sushi will add high-calorie mayonnaise in order to taste more delicious, and any sushi containing tempura is deep-fried, so try not to eat it. If you want to keep your carbohydrate intake low, you can give up rice and replace it with cucumber strips and dip it in some miso soup with light side dishes such as seaweed. 2. The Chinese food in the restaurant is not as light and nutritious as at home, and usually emphasizes the taste, but if you want to enjoy the delicious food, here are some careful measures to avoid the intake of salt, oil and calories. 1. Steamed dumplings are healthier than fried dumplings. Steamed vegetables or shrimp dumplings are more nutritious than meat-filled dumplings. If you prefer egg rolls, remove the fried skin and add cabbage that contains vitamins and rich fiber. , Green beans and broccoli. 2. Keep the boiled flour far away. Noodles are the most common take-out order, but boiled flour is not a healthy choice. Replacing white noodles with brown rice can provide more fiber. The fried products that are used in noodles must be kept away. They usually contain 1500 calories, up to 3,200 mg of sodium and a lot of MSG. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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