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The luteal phase, the emotionally sensitive period of women? (under)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Last issue we talked about the luteal phase is an important part of the female growth cycle. We can learn about our ovulation and pregnancy cycles through the luteal phase. In this issue, let’s talk about the emotional changes caused by the luteal phase. What can we do? do. Before the arrival of my aunt, I always felt uncomfortable all over, my breasts would swell and pain, and my belly would be easy to bulge. Sometimes even my whole body would be sore. The point was that my temper would be irritable and I would like to have a fight with others. However, we must calm down, because this is just premenstrual syndrome, let's see how we can alleviate it! 1. Relax before menstruation. Don’t be afraid of difficulties. Maybe you don’t deliberately think about the syndrome before menstruation. Instead, you will not be affected. Listen to soothing tunes and worry less. Premenstrual syndrome is not too much. Great harm, and one in 20 people will have these symptoms. 2. Adjust your diet Desserts, coffee, wine, as well as cold drinks that are difficult for girls to resist, and fried chicken, it is best not to consume too much, because sweets can make people emotionally unstable and aggravate anxiety; if you consume too much fat, It will also increase weight, so before the eldest aunt comes, be sure to take care of your own mouth. 3. Appropriate exercise. Take fresh air every day to do exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging, etc., which can not only relax the mood, reduce concentration, but also enhance physical fitness and control weight. In the two weeks before menstruation, increase the amount of exercise and relieve premenstrual flow. Discomfort, no dysmenorrhea lies in exercise. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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