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The location of acne may suggest a health hazard

by:V-Care     2021-03-20
Acne during puberty is a very common thing, but with the influence of modern people's mental stress and living environment, many people who have passed puberty still develop acne. The editor reminds you that you must be careful if you have acne after puberty, because acne at this time may be a health risk. Today, I will give you a supplement on the hidden health risks and solutions of adult acne. 1. Menstrual acne (mainly appearing on the forehead, chin and even neck) Many women develop acne during menstruation, which is mainly related to the secretion of female hormones. When the male and female hormones in the body are in a state of imbalance, it will induce the formation of acne. . These acne mostly appear before and after the menstrual period, so it is also called physiological acne. Solution: Women's immunity during menstruation is weakened and tired easily. Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate sleep. Drink plenty of water and add more vitamin B to help excrete toxins in the body and relieve the situation of persistent acne. 2. Stress acne (mainly appearing on the whole face, cheeks or temples) In today's society, people may cause acne due to life pressure, emotional pressure, work pressure, environmental pressure, etc., because stress will increase the secretion of adrenaline. If stress hormones are secreted in large quantities, acne will come out without mercy. Solution: Relax and focus on rest is the best way. People affected by stress should not rush to seek help from a doctor. It is best to learn to soothe their emotions first, pay attention to a light diet, and do more exercise. At the same time, find out the source of stress and find a solution to restore the original soft skin. 3. Greedy acne (mainly near the nose and mouth) is usually related to gastrointestinal digestive problems. For example, eating spicy hot pot and other greasy foods that are too stimulating can most easily cause this kind of acne. Solution: Adhere to a light diet and drink plenty of water, the acne situation will be improved.
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