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The hidden health hazard you don’t know is so close to you

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
There are too many things to keep in mind in daily life. Because of their busy work and life, people often fail to realize some of the health risks that are so close to themselves. Today, let the editor share with you 3 'can't do' that you absolutely must know. 1. Mosquito coils stimulate the mucous membrane of the human respiratory tract. It is believed that in summer, everyone is accustomed to using mosquito coils to repel mosquitoes. Therefore, people who suffer from rhinitis or cough easily by external stimuli, and the elderly and children with weak resistance should use it with caution. In addition, the editor reminds you not to light the mosquito coil all night, the best way is to light the mosquito coil one hour before going to bed and extinguish it before going to bed. 2. Commonly used mobile phones age quickly. Studies have shown that low-level radiation from mobile phones will accelerate cell activity. Although there is no scientific surface that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer, most brain tumors, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease are caused by radiation. Therefore, for the 'low-headed race3. Blue sunglasses hurt your eyes. When choosing sunglasses, the editor recommends that you choose yellow or amber, and blue sunglasses are harmful to your eyes. The blue light from sunlight is closely related to macular degenerative eye disease that causes the mission of the elderly. With age, the photosensitive compounds in the retinal cells increase, and the blue light wavelengths in the spectrum can maximize the activation of compounds and promote harmful free radicals. freed. Therefore, most people, young and old, should not wear blue sunglasses. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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