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The diaper wholesaler tells you why your child has a red butt, don’t always blame the diaper

by:V-Care     2021-03-05
As a tool that brings convenience to parents to take care of their children, diapers are also questioned by many people while providing convenience. Since many parents find that their children will have red buttocks after using diapers, they believe that diapers are the culprit that causes their children to have red butts. In fact, there is no basis for this statement. The materials of diapers are made of environmentally friendly materials, which will not have such an impact on the baby's skin. So what is the reason for the red ass? Let the diaper wholesaler take us to understand: 1. At night, due to rest, the child is wrapped in a diaper for a long time, and the little butt is in contact with the wet diaper for a long time, which makes the skin more likely to be infected. 2. Some parents simply wipe the baby without washing it after defecation, resulting in feces remaining in the baby's buttocks. The butt that was originally stimulated by the diaper plus the feces is very prone to red butt. 3. The baby's skin has many folds, so carelessness during cleaning will cause it to not dry, and the stratum corneum of the skin is prone to erosion after water soaking, resulting in a decrease in local resistance and causing red buttocks. 4. If you use unfit diapers, the friction with your body will be greater, which will damage the baby's stratum corneum and reduce the body's resistance. Seeing this, every mother must know the reason for the red ass. Summarize in one sentence: wash your ass frequently. Change diapers frequently. But also be careful not to over-scrub. It is enough to wash after every bowel movement. The above information comes from Quanzhou Maternal and Child Products. If you want to know more about diaper wholesalers and diaper wholesalers, please log on to our official website. Next post: Four misunderstandings about our use of diapers in those years
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