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The diaper manufacturer wishes all customers and friends a Happy National Day!

by:V-Care     2021-03-03
The autumn is high and refreshing National Day, the whole country celebrates auspiciously, the lanterns and colorful fireworks dance, the crowds are like crowds, the red flags are hunting and hunting, and the country and the people are happy. On this special day, how many customs do you know about the National Day? Let’s follow along to find out! 1. Every National Day holiday in our country, all enterprises and institutions will hang lanterns or banners to celebrate the National Day with slogans such as'Celebrate National Day'; on the square are bonsai and hydrogen balloons with slogans, with joyous The atmosphere comes to welcome the National Day. 2. National Day holiday October 1st is my country’s National Day each year. my country revised and issued the 'National New Year’s and Memorial Day Holiday Measures' in 1999, combining the National Day and the adjacent Saturdays and Sundays into a 7-day National Day holiday , Known as the 'National Day Golden Week3. Tiananmen Flag Raising Ceremony Every National Day, going to Tiananmen Square to see the flag raising is the dream of countless people. Therefore, people who visit Beijing during the National Day holiday usually rush to Tiananmen Square to watch the soldiers in the National Flag Class raise the flag to express their immense love for the motherland. Watching the five-star red flag slowly rise, the excitement in their hearts is beyond words. 4. National Day Party Before and after the National Day, in order to celebrate the National Day and promote corporate culture, all enterprises and institutions will organize their employees to carry out a National Day Party, and express the joy of the National Day in the form of cultural performances. The National Day holiday is here, happiness embraces you, luck paves the way for you, wealth beckons to you, health index is rising, happiness is screaming at you, spend a good moon full of love, love is sweet without worry, happy to accompany you When you are old, you will be happy and happy when you are rejuvenated. Meteor flashes quickly and pray, free and more beautiful. Happy National day! Next: What should be paid attention to when purchasing diapers?
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