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The culprit who keeps weight 'high'

by:V-Care     2021-03-19
According to the editor's survey, obesity has a lot to do with heredity. If one parent is obese, the child’s chance of getting fat is 40%; if both parents are fat, the child’s chance of getting fat is as high as 80%. In addition to genetics, there are many factors that cause obesity. Today, let the editor find out the culprit who made the weight 'stubbornly high'. 1. Sedentary sitting and not exercising. Working people who are entangled in busy work, sedentary has become their inertia. However, people who usually lack exercise have relatively weak basal metabolic capacity, which leads to insufficient calorie consumption in the body, which makes them more obese. Therefore, the editor recommends that everyone develop a good habit of loving sports. 2. Lack of sleep I have learned that when the human body lacks sleep, its metabolism of carbohydrates will be hindered, resulting in increased blood sugar concentration, increased insulin concentration in the body, and more fat accumulation. At the same time, the concentration of leptin in the body is reduced, and the concentration of growth hormone, which regulates the ratio of body fat to muscle, is reduced, which accelerates obesity. 3. Improper diet Most people suffering from obesity cannot do without bad eating habits. On the one hand, eating too much and accumulating too many calories can easily make you fat; on the other hand, people with uneven nutritional intake will gain weight due to insufficient intake of protein and vitamins. Therefore, start a healthy life and develop correct eating habits.
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