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The cold winter is here, how do you care for your menstrual period? under

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
In the last issue, I mentioned two nursing tips for menstrual periods in cold winter. In this period, we went on to say what can be done in winter to relieve the discomfort of menstrual periods that cannot be avoided. 3. Dysmenorrhea can be used to soak feet with ginger water. Soak your feet before going to bed in winter, better than taking tonics. Bubbly feet are good for the body. You can also use warm water or ginger water to soak your feet during menstruation. Especially for women with dysmenorrhea, soaking feet with ginger water can relieve them. It should be noted that the temperature of the foot bath during menstrual period should not be too high, it is better to control it at about 40 degrees, and do not use Chinese herbal medicine to soak the feet casually. If you want to use it to relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea, you need to consult a doctor, otherwise it will not provide a soothing effect. , And may even aggravate dysmenorrhea. 4. The dietary conditioning method for irregular menstruation in winter. During menstruation, you should follow the principle of balanced diet and consume high-fiber foods such as spinach, candied dates, and raisins to replenish blood. Eat more high-protein foods such as meat, eggs, tofu, and soybeans for lunch and dinner to supplement the nutrients and minerals that flow during menstruation. Between meals you can eat some foods rich in vitamin B such as walnuts and cashews. The whole grains of vegetables and fruits contain more fiber, which can increase the content of magnesium in the blood and can adjust menstruation. Two diets for menstruation in winter. Winter is the tonic season. Women with irregular or irregular menstruation can supplement themselves in winter. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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