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The baby always has side leakage when using diapers

by:V-Care     2021-03-08
For babies who use diapers, side leakage always occurs. What factors usually cause it? Quanzhou baby diaper manufacturer’s maternal and infant products stated here that the situation that causes the baby to have side leakage in the use of diapers can be summarized as five reasons. Here is a simple analysis with everyone as follows: 1. The size of the diaper and the baby The body size is not suitable. For babies using diapers, if the diapers are too large or too small to surround the gap between the belly and the thighs, it is easy to cause leakage; second, the diapers cannot adapt to the baby's body shape and posture. The baby is always in a state of growth, and the size of the bones and body shape will also change its posture. Whether the baby is sitting or sleeping, it will change the flow of urine and cause the diapers to loosen. If these diapers cannot adapt to the baby's activities, it is easy to cause leakage; third, the baby's urine volume exceeds the absorption capacity of the diaper. As the baby grows, the amount of urination will decrease, but the amount of urination will increase once. Disposable diapers can absorb several times of urine, but the frequency of changing diapers exceeds the amount of diaper and urine absorption. The increased humidity of the inner diapers is also one of the reasons for diaper rash. It is necessary to be diligent when changing the diapers. Fourth, the diapers are not used correctly. In the use of diapers, because urine and feces are loose, in order to prevent leakage, there is a certain gathering effect from the gap around the thigh. But when the baby is sleeping, it can't prevent it, so it will cause leakage; 5. Replace the brand of diapers. If the baby has always used that brand of diapers, but suddenly changed it to another brand, he will feel a certain discomfort in wearing, which may lead to leakage. The above is what the Quanzhou baby diaper manufacturer provides for everyone: the baby always has side leakage when using the diaper. For more details, please log in: Next: Top ten most popular diapers in Baidu search Previous: Different diaper sizes are suitable for babies in different periods. Use this article's keywords: diaper manufacturers, Quanzhou diapers Manufacturer
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