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The 4 dirtiest things you should never do in your daily life

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
1. Underwear is not changed every day According to the survey, 52% of women admit that their underwear is not changed every day. Microbiologist Dr. Charles Geba pointed out that if underwear is worn for a day, there will be 0.1 gram of excrement on it, which is equivalent to about 100 million E. coli. These bacteria will adhere to your hands, and if you don’t wash your hands to rub your eyes or even take something to eat, you will get sick. 2. When the food is dropped, pick it up and eat it. More than 40% of the women said that they have eaten the food that was picked up as soon as it fell on the ground. In the past, there was a kind of speech called '5 secondsResearchers said that this kind of speech can be extremely misleading. Facts have proved that after food falls on the ground, it will be contaminated with bacteria in just two or three seconds. Therefore, any food that falls on the ground should be thrown into the trash immediately. 3. Barefoot fitness The survey found that 32% of people work out barefoot, especially when doing aerobics or belly dancing. Experts suggest that it is best to wear a pair of light shoes at this time, because the feet will sweat a lot during fitness, and a humid environment is the most conducive to the growth of bacteria, which may eventually infect the feet. 4. Don't brush your teeth before going to bed 43% of people admit that they occasionally forget to brush their teeth before going to bed. Experts remind that the amount of saliva secreted by a person during sleep will be greatly reduced, and this saliva is the main force for killing bacteria. Therefore, occasionally not brushing your teeth may cause oral bacteria to get in.
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