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Ten health rumors one by one KO (Part 1)

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Recently, the top ten life rumors about being hungry have been published online to correct some wrong practices caused by traditional concepts and avoid misunderstandings in life due to lack of relevant knowledge. Today, the personal product manufacturer Xiaobian will resolve all false health rumors for everyone. 1. Suspension is a killer of health. No book does not record the concept of 'stools'. If you believe this, and the use of laxatives to 'defecate' will affect the function of the intestinal tract. In severe cases, it may cause water and electricity acid-base disorders, coma, and even death. 2. Acidic physique is the source of all diseases 'Acid physique' is just a 'pseudo concept'. Different body fluids of the human body have different pH values, for example, gastric juice is strongly acidic. Under normal circumstances, the PH value of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. Both acidosis and alkalosis are serious diseases that must be treated professionally. Certain things in the short term cannot change the pH of normal people’s blood. 3. Juice and seafood cannot be eaten at the same time. These legends either come from people's inappropriate summary of daily life, or from exaggeration and misunderstanding of scientific research. Scientists have verified that there are hundreds of legends about foods that are incompatible with each other, and none of them are established. 4. Water knows the answer: Human attitudes will affect food. Water cannot perceive and reflect human emotions. 'Who knows the answer' This research does not conform to the relevant technical process, and its conclusions are naturally not credible. 5. Pregnant women need to wear radiation protection suits to protect their fetuses. This rumor deliberately distorts some research conclusions made more than two decades ago. At present, there is no evidence that daily non-ionizing radiation will lead to an increase in pregnant women’s abortion rate and fetal malformation rate, nor will it cause low birth weight. Pregnant women do not need special protection.
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