Pull up pants

Ten health rumors one by one KO (below)

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Following the five health rumors mentioned in the previous issue, I will continue to introduce another five health rumors this week. 1. There are artificial eggs on the market, which can be used as table tennis balls. Rubber eggs are actually 'unqualified' eggs, not artificial eggs. Although the research data shows that the content of harmful substances will not affect the human body, it is still not recommended for everyone. 2. Vitamin C can treat and prevent colds. There is no modern medical research to prove that vitamin C can prevent and treat colds. This is just one of the many myths born after early vitamin C was isolated and purified. 3. Washing your hair during menstruation is prone to cancer, and it is a disease of confinement washing. 4. Papaya can enhance breasts Neither Papaya enzyme nor vitamin A can enhance breasts. Rumors even confuse ancient Chinese xuan papaya with papaya as a fruit. 5. The crescent on the nail is a barometer of health. The 'crescent' on the nail is just a natural phenomenon formed during the growth of the nail. Although some changes in the body may change the size of the 'crescentIt is incorrect to judge whether it is healthy.
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