Six nutritious meals: keep you warm throughout the winter! (on)

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
After the beginning of winter, the weather will get older and colder. At this time, sister paper can first understand the health food supplements, try to cook a warm and nutritious meal, which is of great help in preventing cold hands and feet! 1. Stir-fried rice eel with leeks As the 'meat of vegetablesMethod: 1. Wash the rice eel and cut into sections, marinate in ginger juice for at least 10 minutes; 2. After the rice eel is fried, add the leeks and fry it. 2. Red dates and sesame porridge Sister paper with insufficient kidney qi will have cold hands and feet, and red dates and black sesame porridge can not only warm the body, but also help the microcirculation in the body. In addition, the rutin in red dates can soften blood vessels, and black sesame seeds can nourish the kidney and protect the law. Red dates are warm foods, and should not exceed 3 to 5 pieces a day. 3. Lamb and carrots When the cold wind blows, the lamb is fat, and the lamb has the effect of replenishing the spleen and replenishing qi, while the radish is cold, and the two are very suitable for winter drinking with soup. However, lamb is high in purines, and patients with gout should not eat more. In the next issue, the editor will continue to share the remaining 3 winter nutrition meals with you, so stay tuned. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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