Self-test whether there is a gynecological disease from the color of the secretion of the underwear

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
Maybe you have been troubled by the peculiar smell on your underwear, or yellow vaginal discharge, but you have never thought of finding 'clues' on the underwear. After all, the 'private liquid' on the underwear is often evidence of a gynecological disease. Today, the editor will lead you to see gynecological diseases from the color of the secretions of the underwear. 1. Underwear has a peculiar smell. Under normal circumstances, the vagina does not have any peculiar smell. When the vagina has peculiar smell, the main reason cannot be separated from leucorrhea. If the amount of leucorrhea increases significantly, with white foam and sour odor, it may be trichomonal vaginitis; if the leucorrhea is yellow and accompanied by symptoms such as red and swollen vulva, frequent urination, and urgency, it may be bacterial infection Vaginitis. 2. There are blood streaks on the underwear. Leucorrhea and blood streaks are divided into two types: physiological and disease. Generally speaking, some female friends will have a small amount of bleeding during ovulation, accompanied by different degrees of abdominal pain, which belongs to physiological leucorrhea bleeding Scope; but if it is bleeding caused by gynecological diseases such as acute vaginitis, cervical polyps, etc., you must seek medical attention as soon as possible. 3. Yellow underwear. If the leucorrhea is thick and yellow, like tofu or curd, and the vulva is very itchy, it is very likely to be suffering from fungal vaginitis caused by Candida infection. Finally, the editor reminds you not to wear chemical fiber underwear that is too tight or too dark. It is best to choose cotton fabrics. At the same time, close-fitting underwear is best to be washed separately.
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