Sanitary napkin processing: what should I pay attention to during menstruation?

by:V-Care     2021-03-24
There are always a few days a month, with poor mood and poor sleep. Most of these situations are during menstruation. So what should I pay attention to during menstruation? Girls should pay attention to the local cleanliness when menstruation. Menstrual blood is a bacterial culture medium, and a little carelessness can easily lead to infection. Also be careful not to eat cold foods, cold foods such as popsicles and ice cream, or even cold fruits such as watermelon, melon, mangosteen, etc. Eating too much cold foods can induce contractions and cause dysmenorrhea. Next, I will list them for you. A few things to note during menstruation:

1. Choose soft cotton sanitary napkins: women try to choose soft cotton sanitary napkins. They should choose sanitary napkins with good water absorption. Soft cotton sanitary napkins can reduce skin irritation, especially in the heat. In summer, it is necessary to choose sanitary napkins correctly, which can reduce the damage of sanitary napkins to the skin.

2. Don't change the brand of sanitary napkins easily: women are better to choose the sanitary napkin brand that suits them according to their skin type, and choose sanitary napkins produced by regular manufacturers. Try to choose sanitary napkins with good water absorption, which can reduce toilet allergies. Under the circumstances, women are better not to choose scented sanitary napkins.

3. Avoid overwork: Women can participate in physical labor during menstruation, but they should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy physical labor. Avoid overwork during menstruation, otherwise it will affect the pelvic blood circulation and easily cause body soreness. It also affects the smooth discharge of women’s menstrual blood.

4. Avoid mood swings: Avoid excessive mood swings during menstruation. Excessive mood swings can easily affect the smooth discharge of menstrual blood, and can also cause menstrual disorders in women. You must adjust your mood during menstruation to relieve mental stress , Try to maintain a positive and optimistic mood, tension and depression will affect the discharge of dirty blood.

5. Avoid dampness and coldness: Women should have low immunity during menstruation. They should take good care of their bodies during menstruation, otherwise they will easily catch a cold and fever. It is better not to use cold water to wash your feet during menstruation. It is not advisable to use cold water for bathing. Warmth work of the waist and abdomen, cold during menstruation can easily induce cold in the uterus.
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