Sanitary napkin processing: introduction to the principle of antibacterial sanitary napkins

by:V-Care     2021-03-24
You can often see a kind of sanitary napkins on the market called antibacterial sanitary napkins. The advertising slogan is very magical and has various functions. Is this really like the advertising slogan? What is the principle of this antibacterial sanitary napkin? Next, I will introduce to you:

What aspects of antibacterial sanitary napkins achieve antibacterial?

1. Antibacterial non-woven fabric: The surface layer of sanitary napkins is generally made of non-woven material. The antibacterial principle of antibacterial non-woven fabrics is actually to fix antibacterial drugs on the fabric with some technology and technology, or use some Natural antibacterial material is made of non-woven fabric.

2. Antibacterial chip: Combine the material processing technology with antibacterial effect into a chip, which is placed under the surface of the sanitary napkin. For example: negative ions, graphene, bamboo charcoal and so on.

3. Antibacterial agent: The antibacterial agent is added to the surface material of the sanitary napkin to achieve the antibacterial effect. However, since this is in direct contact with the surface of the skin, the safety remains to be studied, and the stability and shelf life will be shorter.

But it should be clear that antibacterial is not disease prevention and treatment. If you understand this correctly, the real disease prevention is still through exercise and reasonable use of safe sanitary napkins. It is really uncomfortable, and it is recommended to go Regular hospital for treatment.
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