Sanitary napkin oem manufacturers: what should be paid attention to when choosing sanitary napkins?

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Basically, many women have to buy sanitary napkins once a month. Many times we will choose the trusted brands we have used, and sometimes we want to use other ones. So what should we pay attention to when choosing sanitary napkins? The following sanitary napkin oem manufacturers take you to take a look.

Sanitary napkin oem manufacturers introduced that when choosing sanitary napkins, one of the first issues we must consider is whether to choose cotton or mesh sanitary napkins. In fact, sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers believe that cotton surface is the first choice in summer. The cotton surface has more affinity with the skin, and its permeability is relatively good. If it is changed on time, it is not only comfortable, but also can reduce excessive sensitivity and epidermal disease.

Furthermore, when choosing sanitary napkins, the air permeability of sanitary napkins is also an issue we need to consider. Pay attention to the air permeability and expiration date of the materials; wash hands before use to avoid contamination of sanitary napkins by hands with bacteria; It is best to change towels, pads, and tampons every 2 hours, even if the menstrual volume is low, keep changing them. Sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers tell you that these problems are all we need to pay attention to.

It is understood that many female friends now buy a full box of sanitary napkins for later use, but sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers think this is not good, and sanitary napkins are best bought and used immediately. Sanitary napkins should be stored in a dry, sterile environment and have a certain expiration date. If the sanitary napkin is damp or stored for too long, it will deteriorate and become contaminated even if it is not opened. It is best to buy sanitary napkins immediately every month, and store them in a small cotton bag if they are not used up. They should also be specially stored when they need to be carried outdoors. They do not need to be mixed with the cosmetics in the bag. 

During menstruation, women's emotions will be affected no matter what, so in these special periods, you must choose comfortable sanitary napkins for yourself, and secondly, internal adjustment and external care can be completely refreshed. During menstruation, you should listen to more soothing music, and do some gentle physical activity or exercise. In terms of diet, eat less high-fat and high-calorie foods, and eat more light foods such as tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, soybeans, and vegetables. In a good mood and a reasonable diet structure, the body's resistance to foreign bacteria and toxins can be greatly increased, and infections and attacks can be reduced.

The above is the content compiled by the sanitary napkin oem manufacturer, I hope it will be helpful to you!
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