Sanitary napkin oem manufacturers: What are the differences between maternal sanitary napkins and ordinary sanitary napkins?

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Many female friends may not know that women have special sanitary napkins, which are different from ordinary sanitary napkins. The following sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers will introduce the main differences between maternal sanitary napkins and ordinary sanitary napkins.

Maternity sanitary napkins are longer, thicker and more breathable, and they are much more comfortable to use. It can reduce the pain of the parturient and effectively avoid wound infection. After giving birth, there will be wounds on the vulva of the parturient. Ordinary sanitary napkins are designed for ordinary women and are made of general synthetic fibers. Due to the chemical ingredients, there are many impurities, they are easy to fluff, have high friction, and are easy to fall off. The generation of static electricity will stimulate the sensitive wounds of the parturient, cause the infection of the parturient, and increase the pain of the parturient. Ordinary sanitary napkins are generally absorbent, prone to side leakage and backflow, and cannot cope with a large amount of postpartum lochia. During use, the surface of the sanitary napkin is moist and sultry, which not only makes the parturient feel wet and sticky, but also causes the parturient to a great extent. Infection is extremely detrimental to the healing of maternal wounds.

An important skill for pregnant women to buy sanitary napkins

Different types and sizes are used in different periods: there are large, medium and small types of sanitary napkins for parturients. When buying sanitary napkins for parturients, the OEM manufacturer of sanitary napkins recommends buying all three types, and use the different types at different time periods. Maternity can have a great sense of comfort.

Pay attention to the date of production and expiration date: The shelf life of maternal sanitary napkins is not very long. Sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers require everyone to be optimistic about the production date and do not buy maternal sanitary napkins that are about to expire. A long time.

Choose the design that suits you: Each brand will have a different design for its products. Different maternity sanitary napkins also have different designs. It is particularly important to carefully observe different styles and choose a comfortable design that suits you. Sanitary napkin OEM manufacturers suggest that you choose the type that suits you according to your actual experience.

Maternity sanitary napkins are very different from ordinary sanitary napkins. The target of maternity sanitary napkins is the postpartum mother. It is important that the mother feel comfortable after using it.
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