Sanitary napkin manufacturers: the misunderstanding of female private parts nursing!

by:V-Care     2021-03-24
As a woman, her own health issues are the most important, especially private part care, which needs to be paid attention to. However, many women have a big misunderstanding about private parts care. The following sanitary napkin manufacturers will take you to take a look.

  ① Menstrual care is not well done

   During menstruation, women should not only drink more hot water and exercise less, but also keep warm. In fact, during menstruation, it is easy to be invaded by bacteria, and even more infections are caused by improper use of sanitary napkins. Therefore, women must use sanitary napkins during the menstrual period and change sanitary napkins frequently.

  ②Excessive cleaning

   Although it is good for women to pay attention to personal hygiene, they should not be too much. Frequent use of lotion to clean the private parts will easily disturb the balance of the flora in the private parts, and it will also disrupt the cleansing immune system of women themselves, which will easily cause inflammation and other situations.

  ③Indiscriminate use of drugs

   Many women are shy, and often use drugs secretly without going to the hospital for a checkup. In fact, this is not correct, because some drugs only temporarily solve the uncomfortable symptoms, but they cannot really eliminate the germs from the root cause. It is very likely that the symptoms will recur, and the gains outweigh the gains.

  ④The underwear is secretly dried

   Some women are too shy and like to dry their underwear in the room or behind people after washing them. Without direct sunlight and air circulation, bacteria are more likely to breed on underwear. Therefore, the underwear must be aired in a sunny place, so as to achieve the sterilization effect.

  ⑤The underwear is only sexy

   There are many types of women's underwear, but the suitable underwear should also be pure cotton. If you wear tight-fitting underwear made of chemical fiber such as lace and thong, it will bring moisture and heat, and it will be more likely to cause friction and damage the skin.

   The above is the introduction of the sanitary napkin manufacturer, I hope it can help everyone.
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