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Restaurants have a lot of oil and salt, how can they eat healthily? (on)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Everyone knows that the restaurants outside are heavy in oil and salty, making them very unhealthy. But how can I have time to cook and eat at home every day at work? Today I teach you how to eat healthy while eating out? 1. Canteens and takeaways Canteens and takeaways make more home-cooked dishes. There are many types, but most of them are salty and greasy. Excessive salt intake increases the risk of high blood pressure and may have an obesity effect. Solution: 1. Do not eat vegetable soup. Vegetable soup contains various fats, salt, and sugar. Those who like bibimbap are best to give up the soup. 2. More vegetables and less offence. Vegetables are our most important part, but most people do not have enough daily vegetable intake. In addition, staple food and protein should be added! 2. Pizza, burgers, sandwiches These foreign foods have become the things young people are used to eating, but don't forget that they are high-fat and high-energy foods. If you eat too much, the road to weight loss will be more difficult. Solution: 1. Pack half before eating. If the burger is very big, let the fast food restaurant come and pack it as an afternoon snack or dinner. Eating less and more meals can reduce the burden of stomach digestion. 2. Replace the bread with whole wheat. If you can't change it, eat more stuffing in the hamburger and eat less skin. In the next issue, I will continue to share with you how to eat all kinds of noodles and skewers healthy. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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