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Radiation protection and skin care tips

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Modern people are inseparable from the Internet. QQ, WeChat, and Weibo seem to have become indispensable 'commodities' in our daily lives. It is getting rougher and earlier, and girls who love beauty can't restore their skin with one or two masks. Next, let me teach you some small methods to prevent radiation! 1. Pay attention to moisturizing. When facing the computer for a long time, the skin damage caused by radiation is beyond our estimation. Proper moisturizing can calm the skin, keep the skin moisturized and relieve the damage caused by the radiation. The editor suggests that female friends can prepare a moisturizing spray in the office to moisturize and skin care anytime, anywhere. 2. Clean your skin After using your computer or playing with your phone for a long time, you should clean your face as soon as possible. Looking at the computer screen for a long time will make our eyes dry and lethargic. After thoroughly cleansing the skin again, it helps to make the facial skin clean and breathe smoothly. 3. Develop a good habit of drinking tea Science shows that people who like to drink tea are not susceptible to radiation damage, and the mortality rate caused by computer radiation is also low. Because tea contains computer-radiated substances, and has a significant protective effect on the human hematopoietic function, it can effectively prevent the harm of computer radiation. In addition, tea is rich in vitamin A, allowing the eyes to see more clearly in the dark, which can prevent night blindness and dry eye disease.
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