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Prevent cardiovascular disease, start with diet

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
There are many factors that affect blood cholesterol, generally related to age, diet, exercise, and gender. We can control our diet, weight, and exercise to lower cholesterol. As long as we maintain a healthy weight and maintain a healthy weight, that is, we can continue to exercise at a moderate intensity or above for half an hour a day. So how should we adjust our diet? 1. Appropriate intake of foods containing cholesterol. Most foods with high cholesterol are also high in saturated fat, which will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is recommended not to overuse foods with high cholesterol. 2. Eat more plant-derived foods Plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, beans and beans, are rich in cellulose, which can be excreted in the feces after being combined with cholesterol. 3. The first choice for animal food is seafood and white meat. Compared with red meat, seafood and white meat have less fat content. In addition, if you want to choose red meat, prefer lean meat, less fat, and eat less animal organs and brains. 4. Foods with more unsaturated fatty acids are preferred, such as fish, nuts, beans and whole wheat. Compared with animal oils, vegetable oils are preferred. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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