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Personal product manufacturers share four heartfelt thoughts with you

by:V-Care     2021-03-28
1. Don't bite into the core when eating apples. As we all know, apples are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, polyphenols and flavonoids. They are all natural antioxidants and are especially effective in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. But few people know that the apple core contains hydrocyanic acid. Australian researchers found that the apple core contains a small amount of harmful substances-hydrocyanic acid. If it is deposited in large amounts on the human body, it will cause dizziness, headache, rapid breathing rate and other symptoms. In severe cases, coma may occur. Although eating apples until the core is not immediately poisoned, long-term eating like this is not good for your health. 2. Three types of items should be avoided for gold jewelry. Gold has the effect of maintaining and increasing value, so you should pay attention to it when wearing or keeping it. Avoid contact with three types of items: Avoid contact with chemicals, such as perfume, bleach, cosmetics, etc., to prevent chemical production effect. Avoid touching silverware, mercury, lead and other metals to prevent chemical changes from causing white spots on gold jewelry. Avoid placing it with other jewelry, especially diamonds, which may cause friction and scratches due to different hardness. Use jewelry boxes to store them separately. Pay attention to the method of cleaning gold jewelry by yourself: you can say that gold jewelry is washed in a diluted soap solution, and then dried with a soft cloth. 3. Fresh jujube-the all-around champion of autumn and winter nutrition Fresh jujube has a number of nutritional elements, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and so on. Vitamin C can soften blood vessels, prevent high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and reduce the risk of tumor formation. People with deficiency of both qi and blood and poor spleen and stomach functions should eat more, 8 to 10 a day. But the jujube is too hot, it will stay hot. 4. Lemon helps to solve difficult kitchen problems 1. Put lemon juice on peeled fruits and vegetables (such as apples, potatoes, etc.), the acidity can prevent them from browning; 2. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the rice wash to prevent rice Stick together; 3. Put a slice of lemon peel in the brown sugar jar to prevent the brown sugar from clumping and hardening.
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