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Pay attention to the diet during menstrual period, do a good job of health care 100 points

by:V-Care     2021-03-19
Generally speaking, women’s normal menstrual period is 3-7 days, but some female friends who do not pay attention to menstrual eating habits and other problems will cause endocrine disorders and other problems, resulting in unstable menstrual cycle, dull skin, weak energy, etc symptom. Therefore, it is very important to develop good eating habits during menstruation! 1. Eat more warm tonic foods during menstruation, mainly eat warm tonic foods, such as milk, brown sugar, mutton, etc. If the body cold is severe, it will aggravate menstrual stagnation. The editor suggests that during menstruation, female friends must leave raw and cold foods, such as frozen drinks, ice cream, etc. On the one hand, this kind of food can hinder gastrointestinal digestion; on the other hand, body cold stagnation can cause too little menstrual blood, and even dysmenorrhea. 2. The combination of meat and vegetables prevents nutrient loss. During menstruation, female friends are prone to fatigue and other symptoms, which are mainly due to the lack of iron. Iron, as one of the most necessary trace elements for the human body, has anti-immunity and anti-aging effects. The editor suggests that female friends should pay attention to eating iron-rich foods, such as fish, chicken, spinach, etc., and pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables in menstrual meals to meet the body's sufficient iron elements. 3. Eating more fruits is the key. During menstruation, many female friends will have symptoms such as constipation. To improve constipation, people need to eat fruits frequently. But on the other hand, not all fruits are suitable for use during menstruation, such as watermelon, mango, banana and other cold fruits are not suitable for use. Fruits suitable for eating during menstruation should be flat or warm, such as lychees, longan, and figs. Finally, menstruation is a sensitive time that needs protection, so we need to pay more attention to menstrual health care. The editor hopes that everyone will develop a reasonable diet and get 100 points for health care!
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