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Papillitis, areola? What the hell is it?

by:V-Care     2021-03-27
There are many sebaceous glands in the nipple and areola. They are responsible for secreting sebum to protect the nipple and areola. If the amount of lotus root juice secretion is reduced, it may cause inflammation, or even be infected with bacteria and pus. Sounds creepy? Let's take a look at the symptoms of papillitis and areola! Four major causes of inflammation 1. The baby’s oral cavity is infected with bacteria. The bacteria contaminate the mother’s nipples and areola during breastfeeding, causing inflammation! 2. The mother-to-be has too much milk, overflowing milk, and long-term soaking can cause nipple erosion or eczema. If it is not relieved for a long time, it is easy to cause papillitis! 3. The nipples are inverted or too small. When the baby is breastfeeding, it will break the nipples and cause inflammation! 4. During pregnancy, the areola glands are significantly enlarged and sebum is secreted rapidly, which leads to blockage of the areola gland openings. In addition, the thin skin at the areola is prone to breakage and inflammation! When the areola nipple has inflammation, it is time to deal with it! If the patient has symptoms of eczema or ulceration, it will naturally feel severely uncomfortable, but you must not scratch or even disinfect yourself because of the itching. This will easily worsen the symptoms, so pay more attention! First of all, keep the affected area clean. If you are infected by bacteria, you must apply an ointment containing antibiotics. If you are not infected by bacteria, you can apply an ointment such as steroids. In normal life, it is best to wear a bra with good permeability that is suitable for the skin, and do not wear a bra made of chemical fiber materials, so that to a certain extent, this disease can also be effectively prevented! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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