My nutrition is in charge, not letting it go is the key

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
Modern people’s material conditions are melancholy, and they don’t have to worry about food and clothing, but their bodies are obviously not as good as before. In fact, nutrition is easy to lose, so we need to develop good habits. The following editor will take you to understand which bad habits can lead to nutrient loss, and see if you have been recruited. 1. Eating too salty things According to research, if you consume too much salt in a day, the more calcium will be eliminated from the urine, which will cause calcium loss. In daily life, we should not only reduce the use of salt in our diet, but also pay attention to other foods with higher salt content, such as canned food, salt-baked chicken, instant noodles, etc. For people with heavy tastes, you can increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to supplement proper calcium. 2. Frequent smoking First of all, the editor believes that smoking affects your health and harms others and yourself. Harmful components such as tar in smoke will consume a large amount of vitamin C in the human body. Generally, smoking a cigarette will consume 25 mg of vitamin C. If it is passive inhalation of smoke, the loss will be even greater. Therefore, cherish yourself and your family, please quit smoking. 3. Carnivores Many people now only like to eat meat and eggs, not fruits and vegetables. As a result, people's weight has increased, and anemia is caused by insufficient vitamins and iron in the body. Therefore, the editor hopes that everyone will not develop the habit of picky eaters. Any food is good for our body. Therefore, we must eat more different fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs. 4. Drinking and drinking too much. Drinking a lot of alcohol will consume the water-soluble vitamins stored in the body, especially vitamin B, causing emotional instability and mental instability. Therefore, we should get rid of the habit of drinking and drinking, and can eat more porridge with mixed grains.
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