My aunt is here, but what about dysmenorrhea?

by:V-Care     2021-03-23
Dysmenorrhea is believed to be felt by every girl. Frequent dysmenorrhea or sometimes dysmenorrhea is a symptom of menstrual pain. How to solve it? 1. Motherwort Jujube Tea Motherwort Jujube Tea is a good recipe for relieving dysmenorrhea and enriching blood during menstruation. Use 15 grams or 30 grams of Motherwort plus brown sugar to decoct and take it. One dose a day, take it in the morning and evening, stick to it for a period of time. To the obvious effect. 2. Refusing to take a bath and shampoo with cold water. The resistance of women during menstrual period will be greatly reduced, and the vaginal opening is in a state of expansion. Cold water is prone to infection and is even more unhealthy. 3. Do not eat raw and cold foods. Weakness during menstrual period. Eating raw and cold foods can easily cause poor blood discharge during menstruation. Blood temperature will be stimulated, which will result in poor circulation, easy to produce blood clots and cause menstrual pain. Therefore, menstruation should not eat raw and cold things. ! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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