Minefields and suggestions for reducing blood sugar in sports (part 2)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Following the previous issue, the editor continued to share with you the walking exercises suitable for patients with hyperglycemia. 1. Walking in place Stepping in place can choose anywhere indoors or outdoors to enhance blood circulation throughout the body and increase leg strength. It is suitable for patients with high blood sugar who do not have time and place to exercise. Walking in place can consume energy and is good for blood sugar control. During exercise, you need to raise your chest, raise your head, and tuck your abdomen. The faster the pace, the more power you consume. 2. Walk up and down the stairs. You can go up and down the stairs, commonly known as climbing stairs. Climbing stairs helps to consume fat, enhance cardiorespiratory function, increase leg strength, and prevent osteoporosis. 3. Walk backwards Walk backwards, use your calves to drive your thighs, step back in small steps, and keep your back and neck straight. Walking backwards can exercise small muscle groups, traction of the joints and ligaments that are usually compressed or not easily moved. Walking backwards can exercise the waist, neck and back muscles of the human body. It can be used for sugar lovers with waist pain. Choose to go backwards. Finally, exercise is a good medicine, but only long-term persistence will be effective. Exercise 5 days a week, exercise for 30 minutes each time, and don’t neglect the warm-up exercise before the fitness exercise. Personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment from all over the country. Sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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