Minefields and suggestions for reducing blood sugar in sports (Part 1)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Exercise has always been one of the best ways to control diabetes. Exercise can promote blood circulation, consume more energy, and accelerate the catabolism of blood sugar. But although exercise can lower blood sugar, you also need to avoid a few minefields. 1. Blind exercise Don't start crazy exercise mode thinking that exercise can lower blood sugar. In fact, for people with high blood sugar and serious complications, blind exercise can aggravate the condition. It is recommended to consult a doctor before exercising to understand whether the condition is suitable for exercise. Different physical conditions have different exercise requirements. Only a planned and reasonable exercise can help your health. 2. Fasting exercises Most of the fasting exercises are due to 'morning exercisesThe editor recommends that sugar lovers choose to exercise 1 hour after eating to avoid hypoglycemia. 3. Irregular exercise Although irregular exercise is helpful for the blood sugar control after the meal before exercise, it is not helpful for the blood sugar control at other times, let alone achieve the effect of sugar control. It is recommended that patients with hyperglycemia maintain regular exercise, each exercise should be kept at about 40 minutes, including 5-10 minutes of pre-exercise preparations; 30 minutes when the exercise intensity is reached; 5-10 minutes of recovery after exercise. 4. Doing housework instead of exercise. Housework is also a kind of exercise, but it cannot replace exercise, nor can it meet the amount of exercise Tang Nianbing needs in the sense of treatment. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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