It's easy to get cold hands and feet in winter, what's the harm! (2)

by:V-Care     2021-03-26
Last issue, we talked about the symptoms of cold hands and feet in women, which are caused by many factors. The editor also told you not to substitute symptoms casually, because today the editor brought you a good way to relieve cold hands and feet! 1. Exercise properly. You should also keep exercising in the cold winter, especially after getting up in the morning, a little exercise can speed up blood circulation and metabolism, so that you will be full of energy throughout the day and not easy to get cold. 2. Dietary conditioning. Winter is the best time to nourish. People with cold hands and feet should seize this opportunity to eat some warm and nourishing foods, such as lamb. You can add more vitamin E, eat more foods containing niacin and B vitamins, eat more warm foods such as nuts and carrots, and eat spicy foods such as chili, pepper, mustard, etc., which can promote blood circulation. 3. Pay attention to keeping warm. In winter, you must pay attention to keeping warm. Do not reduce clothes for beauty, and do not wear tight clothes, otherwise it will hinder blood circulation. People with cold hands and feet wearing cotton socks will help keep their feet dry and comfortable. They should also pay special attention to the warmth of their legs and feet. If the lower limbs are kept warm well, the whole body will feel warm. 4. Supplement calories appropriately. You can prepare some biscuits, bread, or ginseng tea to supplement calories appropriately. You should also eat regularly. You must know that the body stores some proper amount of fat to help maintain body temperature. 5. Soak your feet or bath. People who have cold hands and feet while sleeping and can't sleep warmly can soak their feet or bath before going to bed, which can promote blood circulation and keep the body warm. If you rub your feet while you soak your feet, the effect will be better. 6. Taking Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine has fixed prescriptions to treat cold hands and feet, such as Shiquan Dabu Decoction, Bazhen Decoction, Siwu Decoction, Lizhong Decoction and so on. These traditional Chinese medicines are usually more suitable for people with weak and cold constitutions. However, it is better to ask a Chinese medicine practitioner to prescribe medicine. To treat cold hands and feet, you should first determine whether it is caused by disease. For cold hands and feet that are not caused by diseases, you can use the above methods to relieve them. Don't worry too much. In the next issue, let’s talk about what we can eat with cold hands and feet. Relieve symptoms! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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