Is it healthier to eat vegetables? You are really wrong

by:V-Care     2021-03-23
If you think that as long as you eat a lot of vegetables a day, you can be included in the ranks of healthy living. First of all, your level of awareness needs to be improved. Do you really understand the correct way to eat vegetables? Misunderstanding 1: Fruits are also part of the daily intake of vegetables. Truth: Fruits and vegetables are two different concepts. Some advertisements will turn fruit juice into a 'return your punch' that will be effective immediately after drinking. Many women think that eating more fruits can also replace the fiber and vitamins of vegetables. That really increases the value of fruits. Fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins far less than vegetables, and they cannot replace the contribution of vegetables to the human body. And those pleasant flavors are usually high in sugar, and eating too much will make you fat. In the medical examination of pregnant women, the hospital usually recommends that pregnant women strictly control the intake of fruits, and even eliminate sweet fruits, because it is easy for pregnant women to have gestational diabetes and endanger the health of the fetus and the mother. Misunderstanding 2: The more vegetables you eat, the better. Truth: No matter how good the food, too much use can cause harm. For example, carrots are rich in vitamin B family that are nutritious to children and adults. However, if you drink or consume too much carrot juice, it may cause carrot disease, and your face and hands will appear orange-yellow, resulting in loss of appetite and mental state. He has a series of problems such as stability, restlessness, and restless sleep. The oxalic acid in spinach can hinder the absorption of calcium from food, so it is best to blanch the spinach with water. Leek is rich in cellulose, which is good for bowel movement, but if you have constipation, don’t eat leeks anymore, because this hard-to-absorb cellulose will aggravate your intestinal blockage. Misunderstanding 3: Stir-fry vegetables with high salt and high oil. Truth: Northerners often cook vegetables with oil when cooking, so when they eat vegetables, they will eat oil and salt together, which will easily lead to high blood pressure and high blood fat. The more you eat, the more unhealthy. . Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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