Irregular menstruation, find out the cause and prescribe the right medicine!

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
The normal menstrual cycle is 25 to 38 days. However, the situation varies from person to person, and sometimes the menstrual cycle changes with changes in physical conditions or the environment. The so-called menstrual cycle refers to the unstable menstrual cycle, or the monthly menstrual cycle is less than 24 days, and may exceed 46 days. Happening! In addition to long or short menstrual cycles, abnormal menstruation may also cause irregular menstruation. For example, the menstruation that used to come once a month suddenly disappeared for 3 months. This situation may be caused by stress or weight loss, or it may be caused by a disease, but it should not be treated carelessly! Only by finding out the cause and prescribing the right medicine can the menstrual cycle return to normal. Abnormal menstrual cycle usually has two kinds of conditions, one is abnormal ovulation, but abnormal ovulation. Generally speaking, as long as the ovulation is in a normal state and the body does not have symptoms such as anemia, menstruation will visit regularly to a certain extent. In this case, even if the menstrual period is abnormal, there will be no other problems. But if after measuring the basal body temperature, it is found that the body is not ovulating, even if the menstrual cycle is stable, there are still symptoms of infertility! You have to know the 6 major causes of irregular menstruation! 1. Excessive stress 2. Excessive weight loss 3. Excessive exercise 4. Uterine disease 5. Long-term lack of sleep 6. Medical disease There are many reasons for irregular menstruation. If these conditions occur , Remember to see a doctor early and follow the doctor's advice! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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