In life, the 'contraceptive pill' you don't know

by:V-Care     2021-03-20
Modern young people will actively cope with contraceptive problems, and common contraceptive methods are inseparable from contraceptives and condoms. But you never thought that some daily ingredients in life have magical contraceptive effects. The editor will summarize the ingredients that can be used for contraception, so that friends who intend to become pregnant or those who are contraceptive should pay more attention. 1. Celery The data shows that celery contains the effect of inhibiting the production of ketones in male pills and will reduce the number of sperm. Therefore, if a male friend uses celery for a long time, it will lead to a decrease in sperm count and even difficulty in conceiving. Therefore, friends who want to have children should not eat too much celery. 2. Carrots Although carrots are rich in carotene and various vitamins, they provide adequate nutrition for human health. However, female friends may cause amenorrhea after ingesting a large amount of carotene, which may inhibit normal ovulation of the ovaries in severe cases. Therefore, carrots, on the other hand, help female contraception. 3. Papaya Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which interacts with progesterone to achieve contraceptive effects, so papaya is an effective contraceptive. 4. Garlic Although garlic can kill harmful bacteria in the body, it has an obvious contraceptive effect and can kill sperm.
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